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Youth T-Shirts

Youth T-Shirts

Raise The Barre T-Shirt Fundraiser for Raise The Barre student scholarships: 


All proceeds go towards scholarships for Raise The Barre students to continue their dance education at a local dance studio. Funds will be given to a local dance studio in the recipients name. 


Order a T-Shirt and once you receive it you can join the campaign online by posting a picture to Instagram or Faebook and writing a caption about how dance has impacted your life or someone you know in a postitive way! 


Tag @MissAmericaMN on Instagram or Facebook and tag #RaiseTheBarre  

I will repost your photo on my account!


Learn more about Raise The Barre, Miss Minnesota 2018's, social impact and her own nonprofit here!


    • Unisex Black Youth T-Shirt 
    • Raise The Barre Logo printed on front side 
    • #DreamBig printed on back side 
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